Thursday, April 7, 2011

Journal Day 5: Rain War

It rained today.

I tried my best to stay


The rain fell in a soft drizzle.

A constant drizzle that hardly made any sound.

I do not favor the rain

and it does not favor me...

My best effort to avoid windows

in the Mayor's

home is not enough.

The pictures that cross my mind

are still. They do not follow my eyes direction

and every movement.

They are flashes.

Quick and never continuous images of the environment around


I never know exactly where I am.

The reason I dislike the rain; the flashes become


I am blinded by a barrage of distorted images.

Even at a soft drizzle, the rain makes my head

throb with pain.

I've never told anyone this, so the Mayor's wife

truly means no harm when she asks me to

get the drying clothes from the clothesline outside.

I still refrain from telling of my secret

war with the rain.

As a blind child, I feel as if I am already a burden to my


I don't mean to become more of a burden by

sending others to do my chores whenever it pours...

My head still throbs from the pain.

1076, Dey 5, 23rd hour

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