Saturday, January 2, 2010

Do bloggers have lives?

Of course they do...sort of. I looked at some of the noteworthy blogs on blogspot, and in comparison to them, I'm a fleck of dust on your computer screen. Their blogs are all pimped out, with little animated versions of the Authors, and actual color schemes.

Black and brown? That's the best I could come up with?

Only one problem...not every blog is completely appropriate, or clean. Maybe I'll create another blog, just to tinker around with the settings. I assure you that I will keep my material clean. Promise. Cross my heart. Pinky swear. This is iron clad. The promise of all promises, the... you get my point.

Well, until next time. Have a great nights sleep.
And... Keep it clean!

Second Post

I would've posted earlier, but I was having too much fun being lazy, (playing video games.) Anyways, as soon as I feel up to it, I'll start posting short stories and pics. Happy Saturday everyone! A.K.A the two of you that have registered.